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Cato is a groundbreaking motion-based control input device from AULI.TECH, designed to empower individuals with disabilities. It allows users to interact with electronic devices, like computers, tablets, and TVs, using simple motions.

Cato can learn 8-12 motions per User, and translate them into 14 commands per target device, making technology more accessible and enhancing users’ independence. With its focus on affordability, availability, and compatibility, Cato represents our commitment to removing impediments to living.

Please help us identify healthcare professionals who have patients they would like to make Cato available for. You can point them to the Beta Interest Form on our Homepage.

We are making Cato available at no charge for the first 1000 qualified users in 2024.

Cato is presently only available thru request on our Beta Interest Form on our homepage, or by having your Healthcare professional sing up with us for the Beta program.

Cato ships preconfigured to the User’s use plan (based on what computer is used – MacBook, iPad, Windows, Chromebook, etc.), and can subsequently be reconfigured and tuned via our MyCato web app at https://mycato.auli.tech. Anyone can register for an account, but you need to have a Cato device connected via USB-C cable to actually configure it at this point.

Sure thing! Just answer a few questions on the Beta Interest Form or request a meeting with Allen Cantwell via our Contact page.